CPSA Announces New Board, Celebrates Successes from Past Year


June 3, 2024

Media Contact:

Michael Suchecki, CPSA Communications Director

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On June 1, the Congressional Progressive Staff Association (CPSA) swore in its new Board of Officers. The new Board is dedicated to carrying forward the successful initiatives of the previous leadership team while introducing new ideas and opportunities to serve members and to drive CPSA forward.

CPSA had a momentous year. The organization not only reached an unprecedented milestone of over 1,500 registered members in a congressional staff organization, but it also developed first-of-its-kind programming for staffers. 

One key priority for the year was providing staff with topical policy briefings and trainings they could use in their roles. These included hosting a legislative briefing on the Farm Bill, a panel on progressive economic policy, and a series of briefings and workshops on the state of the labor movement and how to effectively unionize congressional offices. CPSA also worked to convene speakers and thought leaders to inform and engage with members, including welcoming international relations experts and foreign diplomats to foreign policy happy hours, hosting an expert-led discussion on international law and the repercussions of executive overreach, and kicking off the CPSA Speaker Series with special guest Rep. Jamie Raskin.

Another critical priority for CPSA was ensuring staff had a platform to express their concerns and discontent about Congress’s actions in response to the War on Gaza. As a result, CPSA took the extraordinary step of amplifying the efforts of an anonymous group of staffers under the moniker “Congressional Staff for a Ceasefire Now” to ensure interested CPSA members had an opportunity to learn more about their work and connect with one another about the issue.

Our work this past year was covered in outlets ranging from the New York Times and the Washington Post to Fox News and Rolling Stone, but we have so much left to do. CPSA’s achievements this year showcase the strength of the progressive movement on Capitol Hill and the serious demand for policies and politicians that are steadfast in their commitment to our shared progressive values. When we work together, learn together, organize together, and fight the good fight together, there’s nothing we cannot do.

CPSA’s new Board of Officers:

Administrative Director: Hale Diamond

From 9 to 5, Hale Diamond enjoys hyping up accessible transit, walkable cities, and air traffic controller recruitment (yay on-time flights) as Deputy Communications Director for the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. As outgoing Education Director and incoming Administrative Director, Hale is looking forward to supporting the Board of Officers, advancing progressive ideas, and bringing staffers on the Hill together.

Communications Director: Michael Suchecki (he/him)

Michael Suchecki is a Massachusetts native currently serving as Digital Director and Press Secretary for Congressman Seth Moulton. He also serves as Program Manager for the House Democratic Caucus's Digital Academy training program for staff. Michael is thrilled to begin his second term as CPSA's Communications Director to expand the reach of the staff association and help bring about real, progressive change on Capitol Hill and across the country.

Digital Director: Diego Jauregui (he/him)

Diego Jauregui is currently a Staff Assistant for Ranking Member Maxine Waters, where he is passionate about advocating for the material interests of working people and providing a community for progressive staffers. Before coming to the Hill, Diego worked on the Bernie 2020 Campaign and for the National Air and Space Museum.

Diego also serves as a Communications Deputy for the Congressional Hispanic Staff Association and has previously served on the Steering Committee of MDC DSA. He is an alumnus of the Wilson Center Spring 2024 Congressional Artificial Intelligence Lab Fellowship Program and the Wharton Public Policy Certificate Program. While on the Hill, he has mentored six Capitol Hill Intern Association interns.

Diego holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from James Madison University and grew up in Los Angeles, CA. He enjoys strength training, playing chess, and cheering for the Lakers in his free time. He also loves spending time with his cat, Giovanni.

Education Director: Kelly Crouch (they/them)

Kelly Crouch spent too much time in school and is excited to expand educational resources for CPSA members. They earned a Master of Arts from Union Theological Seminary in New York where they studied political philosophy and religious history, and an MPA from the London School of Economics where they wrote their dissertation on public policy education. Kelly is currently the Domestic Policy Fellow for the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Finance Director: René Castellanos (he/him)

René Castellanos is a constituent liaison from Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s office. He was raised in North Carolina and is of Honduran-Ecuadorian heritage. His favorite things to do outside of work are playing soccer, shooting portrait photography on his Pentax 645N, and going to second-hand book stores. He is an ardent FC Barcelona fan.

Jobs and Membership Director: Tyler Rosenstein (he/him)

Tyler Rosenstein grew up in New Jersey and attended school in Virginia, where he studied politics, philosophy, economics, and law. He is currently a fellow in Congressman Jamie Raskin's office. In his new role as Jobs and Membership Director, Tyler is looking forward to harnessing progressive voices and amplifying CPSA's mission.

Outreach Director: Syd Johnson (they/them)

Sydney (Syd) Johnson currently works for the Congressional Progressive Caucus as a Caucus Aide. Before joining the caucus, Syd was a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation intern for Representative Carson. Syd is passionate about activism, the arts, and community building. Syd is so excited to serve as Outreach Director in order to further enact progressive policies across the Hill both internally and externally. Syd graduated from Rutgers University with a B.A. in History and a B.F.A. in Theatre Studies (which means you will be subjected to random showtunes and ballet hops if you spend too much time around them). Syd spends their free time vintage thrifting, baking, playing Dungeons and Dragons, and volunteering at D.C. animal shelters.

Policy Director: Dylan Irlbeck (he/him)

Dylan Irlbeck is a tech policy fellow supporting the Senate Finance Committee and Sen. Wyden on government modernization and artificial intelligence issues. Previously he was a software engineer at Flexport, a global logistics firm, and holds a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. As Policy Director, he's excited to work alongside the leadership team and members to drive CPSA's policy priorities forward

Workplace Advocacy Director: Nile Whitmore (he/him)

Nile Whitmore is a Legislative Assistant for Rep. Greg Casar covering labor policy, health policy, and the Oversight committee, among other issues. As CPSA Workplace Advocacy Director, he is looking forward to disseminating best practices for a sustainable workplace to more Hill offices, exploring new and innovative ways to improve life on the Hill, and finally, finding ways to bring more joy to the work. In his free time, Nile is (slowly) learning guitar, writing poetry, volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters, and spending time outside.

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CPSA was formed in 2021 to uplift the voices and experiences of progressive staff. We believe by educating people on the issues impacting staff and advocating for structural reform, we can inspire meaningful change for congressional employees across the country. With over 1,500 members, CPSA is the largest staff association on Capitol Hill and is growing every day.


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