Statement on the Radical Supreme Court’s Destructive and Regressive Rulings


June 30, 2023

Media Contact:

Michael Suchecki, CPSA Spokesperson 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressional Progressive Staff Association (CPSA) leadership released the following statement in response to the radical Supreme Court’s destructive and regressive rulings this week:

“Time and time again we have watched the Supreme Court toss precedent aside to impose their radical conservative agenda on the country.

“Just yesterday the Court decided they’ve had enough of diversity in higher education. By allowing schools to weigh factors like legacy status while banning the consideration of race in admissions, the Court has effectively dismantled affirmative action for applicants of color while leaving it in place for many upper-class white candidates. Congress will feel the effects of this ruling first-hand. At a time when congressional staffers of color face lower representation, lower pay, and higher turnover than their white counterparts, this decision will close doors for countless people interested in public service.

“This morning the Court chose to claw back federal student loan forgiveness from tens of millions of low-income Americans. At a time when student debt holders are much more likely to be people of color and many debt holders never completed their degrees, this ruling is a regressive assault on the fight against racial inequality and economic disparity across the country. Just last year, a CPSA survey found nearly 40% of staffers had taken out debt to make ends meet, and over a quarter couldn’t afford to set aside one month’s rent in case of an emergency. Reinstating these loans will further burden congressional staffers already struggling to get by on low wages. It will also contribute to brain drain as staff are forced to depart Congress for higher paying jobs in the private sector in order to pay off their loans.

“As these so-called ‘Justices’ accept lavish gifts and flaunt their willingness to violate financial disclosure requirements, it is not enough to impose a code of ethics: For the sake of the country and the law, we must right these wrongs, establish judicial term limits, and expand the Court.”

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CPSA was formed in 2021 to uplift the voices and experiences of progressive staff. We believe by educating people on the issues impacting staff and advocating for structural reform, we can inspire meaningful change for congressional employees across the country. With over 1,500 members, CPSA is the largest staff association on Capitol Hill and is growing every day.


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